6 Steps to a Fit Mind & Body

Her Healthy Habits Blog

Articles on Self-Care, Fitness & Wellbeing

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Forget New Year’s Resolutions: Resolve To Create New Habits!

Written by Kris Louis - edited by Her Healthy Habits

Find more info about Kris & her work at Parenting with Kris.


2021 is finally behind...

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The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

The Quotes & Anecdotes I Find Useful from Charles Duhigg's published Book The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Business & Life


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Your Self-Talk: What it is & Why it matters

Confession time. I have serious issues with my skin. 

On my mother’s side of the family we have a history of hormonal imbalances &...

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How to Start a Gratitude Practice in 8 Simple Steps

If anything, this year has been overwhelming, disappointing, & downright frustrating in more ways than we can count.


If you’ve...

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Too busy for self-care? 6 Quick Fit Tips for Your Busy Day

Ever feel like you’re jamming through the day and not able to get any self-care, well-being or breaks in?!



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Establishing Boundaries: Your new Self-Care Ritual

Now, we may not be the average of the five closest people in our lives exactly. BUT, we certainly are a product of the social, familial &...

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5 Juicy Ways Your Life Will Benefit After Decluttering Your Space

Does your physical space encourage a healthy lifestyle?


I used to hold onto old stuff - beauty products, food I didn’t like, old craft...

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How to Manage the Stress of Doing All the Things All the Time

Stress: My experience


The word alone can make you cringe. 

Recently I took a Women’s Health class, where we were instructed to...

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How Can I Start to Meditate & What Does Meditation Do: The Basics

“Where our thoughts dwell, so becomes our reality. Choose wisely!”

― Nanette Mathews


Different types of meditation are...

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What to do When You're Not Sleeping

When was the last time you got a solid eight hours of sleep?

If you’re like most of the nation, it’s probably been a long time....

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