6 Steps to a Fit Mind & Body

Her Healthy Habits Blog

Articles on Self-Care, Fitness & Wellbeing

Get the Her Healthy Habits Workshop
The Cookie Cutter Approach Isnā€™t Working & Hereā€™s Why

Have you ever signed up for a program feeling motivated, excited & committed to what’s ahead?!


You were so enthusiastic because...

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How to Get Motivated to Workout & Get Work Done

Here’s what I know you want to hear…


That motivation is something you haven’t quite found yet, because you’re just...

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How to set yourself Better Goals (Itā€™s About the Journey, NOT the Destination)

I used to get hung up on setting gigantic goals for myself. 


I wanted to create a super high converting sales funnel...and get it up in...

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Action: Release the Fear & Do Something

We have to be brave enough to imagine what is possible, and then go work for it—and not just dream it.

// Brittany Packnett Cunningham //


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Understand: Putting the Pieces Together

Do the best you can until you know better.

Then when you know better, do better.

// Maya Angelou //


Understanding is what we need more of...

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Educate: Learning to Unlearn

I raise up my voice — not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard … we cannot succeed when half of us are held...

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Listen: Weā€™ve Failed to for Centuries

Failure is a great teacher and, if you are open to it, every mistake has a lesson to offer.

// Oprah Winfrey //


We’ve failed to...

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Anti-Racism Resources & Education

Black Lives Matter


Her Healthy Habits creates a space that is inclusive of all women - including BIPOC & LGBTQIA - not just independent...

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Anti-Racism & Social Justice Commitment

Finding the Words to Stand & Speak Up as an Ally

Photo Credit: Natalia Iashnova


Sometimes there are no words.


When others seem...

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Health from a Place of White Privilege

As a resource for health information & trusted coach that many look to for advice, I have regularly sat from my place of privilege, assertively...

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